
The Global Campus measures our impact based on the success of learners in online academic programs and workforce training courses.  We support the U of A's commitment to its land-grant mission by expanding access to innovative educational opportunities that transform lives and empower the workforce across Arkansas and beyond.

The Global Campus creates, supports and provides access to educational opportunities that advance Arkansas, shape the future, and build a better world.

The Global Campus is a recognized leader and innovative partner that creates new pathways to success in online, professional, and workforce education.


2023 Annual Report

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Online Degree, Certificate
& Licensure Programs



Number of online degree, certificate and licensure programs / plans


Total number of online courses offered



Students studying exclusively online (AY 2023)


Students taking at least one course online (AY 2023)



Degrees and certificates earned through online programs (AY 2023)


Graduates in the last 10 years

Chart shows unique students. A student enrolled in undergraduate and graduate programs concurrently in an academic year was counted only once, in the graduate category. Graduate numbers include online law students.

Professional & Workforce Development

Open Enrollment


Course enrollments (AY 2023)

RazorLearn Banner


Community classes in Bentonville and online that connect volunteer experts with local residents. (AY 2023)

Reimagine Arkansas Workforce Project


Enrolled participants over 3 years

Reimagine Arkansas Workforce Project

Populations Served

(3-year Program Data)

Heatmap of Arkansas Counties

74 of 75 Counties

Arkansas counties with enrolled participants (applications from 75 of 75)

1,529 Unemployed / Underemployed

1,335 Minority

131 Ex-offender

434 SNAP / TANF Recipients